Instead of the city choosing to not violate rights. They try and trick people into signing papers that admit to things that they didnt do so they can jail innocent people. THEY REFUSE TO JAIL CRIMINALS THOUGH AND DONT LIKE GOING AFTER THEIVES. the police spend large quantities of time on going after people who sleep anywhere other than homeless shelters making them pretty much nazis. like has been said over and over they go after anti-crime anti-drug homeless for sleeping outside not trashing the place but refuse to go after criminals and also seem to allow months go by before sweeping criminal camps if they are males. which basically means at best they are segregating poor from the rest of society ON PURPOSE - or better known as nazis(this may even be a violation of International Human Rights- segregation based on class- which in this community the hate and volatile situation amounts too, because I wouldnt even be looking at charges if people werent so demandingly delusional).

Im going to put on this page a copy of the first draft of the motion to dismiss the court refused to assign a court date for. and i still have not been allowed to talk to a lawyer after months.. I find it relevant to post here because the cops are back to their bullshit antics and need to be held accountable. HONESTLY THEY NEED TO PAY FOR WHAT THEYVE DONE. They are jackass pieces of shit, and i as someone who NEVER DID A GOD DAMN THING WRONG IN MY FUCKING LIFE- AM GOD DAMN SICK OF THEIR LIES, THEIR FACISM, THEIR PRO-CRIMINAL STANCES, THEIR SEXISM, THEIR BULL FUCKING SHIT. There was a storm two nights ago, 13 degrees fairhenhieght outside with lots of wind. I had two fleece blankets, no matt, and just a hoody and thin sweats on, the only place to get out of the wind in the neighborhood without going to a strangers house, was going in the front doorway to the library. The police came and they were out in the yard saying something about putting me on high priority, pretty sure they were talking about jailing me and keeping me there... AGAIN- most of my twenties was spent on animal rights, the environment and social justice every second I was awake. my thirties, some was rough but NONE of it was ever being a nuisance, committing crime or doing anything wrong to anyone, especially not intentionally. WHY IS EVERYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY(INCLUDING THE SO CALLED HOMELESS ADVOCATES AND WORKERS) SO HELL BENT IN KEEPING ME IN HOMELESS SHELTERS, LYING ABOUT MY MENTAL HEALTH, AND GETTING THE COPS TO ARREST ME IF I DONT LIVE THE REST OF MY LIFE IN A HOMELESS SHELTER?!!

Filing a motion to dismiss court cases -----------------------

Defendant: Rain Forever 09/15/1981

I move the court to dismiss all charges and the entire case based on these facts

1. All assault 4th degree charges, malicious, and other charges, were in the same incident against thieving neighbors that were NOT the only neighbors involved in criminal acts against me on an ongoing basis drastically effecting my well being and life. I was presented no other options and I will outline here why there were no other options available to me that were reasonable or known.

A) Because I am justifiably on ssi AND have had the general public not allow me to earn more money for years, doing everything they can to prevent me from doing anything my disabilities would allow me to do. I do not have options to gain income in order to live elsewhere. The options are living outdoors or this housing authority’s apartments. Other places like homeless shelters have the same kind of criminal living types that this complex does so its not a choice between the two in terms of living a life free of the effects of being a victim.

B) Contacting legal options: I contacted housing numerous times for assistance with the scams and break-ins. People coming into my apartment stealing non-consensually. The housing authority enabled and encouraged certain people to do things to me. Not only that but they were calling me with scams multiple times prior to me even moving in trying to steal something or do something to me in a very traumatic and gaslighting ways, including speaking in some sort of non-english or understandable words, then claiming I admitted or said things I didnt. I also contacted police several times as well as earlier that day about the thefts and trying to get people to stop coming into my apartment. The police had someone call me about a mental health bed earlier that day, violating my right to my property without undue hardship. All available avenues of consequences or justice to the multitude of people trying to harm me in the building and outside, that I was aware of, had been exhausted. There is now no hud complaint system that I can find, it’s a multifamily org that decides whether or not you can make a complaint to hud, they had called me AFTER talking to the predator/perpetrators and told me I couldn’t make a complaint because of things that never occurred, and I had been slandered to them making them think I was mentally unstable or mentally ill with disorders that are not possible for me to have. Since ALL legal avenues were used, and the perpetrators had MONTHS to change their behavior and had not, forming a pattern of certainty, I would have to deal with their horrible stuff on a DAILY basis while living there. I did not need a imminent threat for it to be self defense. Every moment of my day was a threat that they could do something to me or my property AS WELL AS, some were also targeting wildlife that they know I keep an eye on and feed/care about.

C) I am a victim of theft, scams to get donations, and obsessive harassment and slandering, laughing at me and lying to the public about me. Whole groups would stand in the hallways plotting what they could get away with. This is an undeniable fact. This resulted in me, not being able to live a healthy life like had been planned. I was not able to eat healthy, where clothes I wanted to, bring my awesome stuff from storage home so I could have cool stuff in my place, which would have resulted in me feeling happy with life, it resulted in work time loss, and just an overall non ability to heal from the trauma the community put me through while living outdoors unjustifiably and needlessly. I was not allowed to start to have a better life after 7 years of living outdoors. Because the SEVERELY toxic individuals the housing authority chose to put in the building and not throw out.

D) I also changed door locks multiple times when I had no money to be paying for it. I did not have money for camera systems. The housing authority took off my frame to my door so I could not lock anything while I slept, told me I would be evicted if I used any method like putting a deadbolt in to make the place more secure. The housing authority multiple times while moving in made excuses as to why people might be coming into my apartment without my consent. Including their own staff, neighbors or “third parties”. Because there are no other apartments/landlords someone can live in, on ssi, in whatcom county, living in Lincoln Square in not a ‘choice” and is basically done under duress.

E) The neighbors/whoever was coming in, did things to laundry detergent, food, contaminated pillows with what smelled like feces, colored brown, and cut wires to heaters. And got on to laptops, ipad, phones. Risking my life, safety, freedom to stay out of jail, and work ability.

F) The police refused to come out or investigate crime and repeatedly did nothing during many other crimes. They have repetitively made statements that point to the fact they do not do anything about criminals, thieves, or uphold the law. Meaning, I could not be obstructing police since I have no reason to believe they routinely uphold the law, have official duties, or do investigations. They have made it clear over the years that they do not investigate crime, or uphold laws. And the city doesn’t even bother going after addicts or criminals forcing people to have to set boundaries for not only the criminals/mentally ill but also the police.

G) The police injected me with something that I got side effects from. They are not mental health workers, and they had gotten calls as recently as that morning about the immigrant lady being in my apartment while I slept stealing from me, and I woke up catching her. There was a imminent issue because she talks about poisoning people and planning to steal deeds to houses in phone calls I could hear in my hall way while she was in my apt. So, shes not safe to be coming into my apt while I sleep. The police also talked non-english gibberish while we were standing at the doors and allowed a lady who had been trying to slander me to maintenance staff in order to gain access to keys to my apt and called security company along with her friends, pretending to be me to gain entry into my apt, the police acted like they were on her side, and allowed her to put her hands on me for several minutes.

H) The judge appeared to have no knowledge of the case in order to make a good decision for charges. And also at arraignment around 70% of what was being said, give or take, was completely not understandable/hear-able English words that I could reasonably understand or process. Much sounded like slurred sounds that didn’t even sound like syllables. The defender attorney did not use understandable words either. Causing triggering frustration on purpose.

I) The court put protection orders on that put me at risk of my freedom because of abuse and potential very predatorial behaviors that has already been happening for months on a continued basis. And causes trauma to me while enabling and egging on the perpetrators who have been stealing, breaking into my apartment, gaining access to my online accounts, stealing art, photography and doing what they can to make sure I am not allowed to have income. Which by most peoples standards is an extreme level of abuse.

J) The police/courts/housing authority have already now perpetrated against me the loss of housing twice now, and the likely result of another 7 to 8 years of homelessness, due to the Whatcom county and most of western Washington having no crime free, no abuse, areas to live while in poverty due to forced lack of income.

K) The housing authorities letter stating I need to leave does not include any apologies for their behavior or acknowledgement of my being a victim. There also does not appear to be any evictions happening to ANY of the criminals living there. Therefore they are not a credible party anymore. The maintenance workers whom Ive gone back and forth suspecting of allowing keys to be used to get into my unit still hang out with people who are long time petty criminal types in our community.

In summary: There are no other apts in which to live in Whatcom county, so the need for self defense does not go away by saying live somewhere else. I have been a very long term resident so making me leave the area in order for me to live a life un-targetted so I don’t have to stand up for myself isn’t reasonable.

The perpetrators didn’t show ANY signs they were ever going to stop, let alone slow down enough for me to reasonably live a healthy sustainable/stable life.

The police were unavailable to put consequences on the perpetrators.

The housing authority, and people above them, were not doing anything that was going to eliminate the need for intervention of some kind of consequences. Justice or boundary setting.

The police do not uphold law or do investigations in this community so it is not really possible to obstruct their duties that they don’t do. Especially when you are talking about someone that is not a threat to them or others like myself. The police were coaching the “victims” in these cases on how to lie, so they could come up with more charges. They told them to exaggerate and make up statements.

The police injected me with something and were using inappropriate behavior towards me

Thanks for reading you guys!! Its been really hard dealing with the repulsive people that have taken over our city/community. Its hard to keep going while I cant see a single person who acts like a human being around here. I cant stress enough that i need your support. the nastyness and audacity of the priviliged needs to be stopped and they need to be held accountable.